Monday, February 28, 2011

The Only 28th That's the Last Day of the Month (unless it's a leap year)

So it's February 28th, 2011 and I haven't posted since 2009, if I have my own blog facts straight. The shortest month of the year (and the one in which I was born) is as good an excuse as any to write a new blog post.

What I'm having a hard time believing is that my sons (in the photos from the VW Bus trip) are now 10 and 7 years old and this year's spring break is only two weeks away. I hate cliches, but my, how time flies. When I heard that as a youngster, I scoffed. And cliche or not, I now have less time with my firstborn until he is no longer a minor than I've had with him since his birth. That gives me pause.

I've achieved National Board Certification, which took around 400 hours away from family time last year, and I'm ready to have some fun with the family enjoying the fruits of our labor throughout that process. We were able to get a 1999 F-150 4X4 supercab with the help of some stipend money and we're ready to explore some off the beaten path New Mexico vistas. Stay tuned for more updates from the Land of Enchantment (or, as my favorite Barelas Coffee House bumper sticker states: Land of Mi Chante).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Advent Film Group

Take a look at the new film Come What May from Advent Film Group. Check out their website here in order to get a glimpse of founder George Escobar's vision for the future of Christian film making and film makers.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Aeolus... visiting the Central Mountains of New Mexico with a vengeance. Gusts may reach 60mph from today through next Thursday. We got a little snow last night, but only enough to stick in shaded areas. Despite the cold temperatures and "breezy conditions" the sun is still as glorious as always. Helios, 1; Aeolus, 0.

And the boys decided today was the perfect day to play outside.

Monday, December 08, 2008

8 December 2008, 10:57pm

Snow pellets on piñones. That's what I'm watching outside my window right now. Small sky soldiers slipping along on the wind.

For us in Sandia Park, this isn't the first nieve of the year, but for Los Burqueños mañana may bring la primera capa blanca del otoño.

¡Feliz navidad a todo el mundo!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Sandia Park, New Mexico

I'm back on the blog, but from a new location, geographically speaking. Life in the East Mountains outside Albuquerque, New Mexico is laid back and quiet, for the most part. Expect a few more posts now that I'm taking the time to write again. The green side of the Sandia Mountains inspires a different kind of poetry. Perhaps I'll post some of it here.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I just needed to take a moment to get something down since it has been such a long time since my last post.

This morning I expected cloudy but not rainy skies. Rain prevailed, however. I had planned to ride my Honda Helix scooter (Rocinante) to school this morning. The 1981 Datsun 200SX prevailed. I had intended to stand at my duty station at the top of the stairs above the west student parking lot bareheaded. The University of Tennessee umbrella prevailed (much to the chagrin of many Razorbacks fans).

I suppose the lesson was adaptability--a chance to adjust to circumstances as appropriate despite my original agenda.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Nothing Profound

I've been riding my 1987 Honda Helix (a 250cc maxi-scooter) to school for an entire semester now and I thought I'd post to get started writing again. The experience has been great and once I got some insulated overalls and heated grips, even cold weather riding has been enjoyable.

I ride 40 miles a day round trip. My route takes me basically from Cottonwood Mall, around Coors Bypass to Coors, then to Paseo Del Norte, Tramway, Lomas, and onto the Manzano High School campus. It takes about 30 minutes, give or take, almost no matter what. Being out of the box, out of a cage, for the commute, has reconnected me a bit more to the natural world. And the concentration it takes to pilot a two-wheeler keeps me alert--I take less for granted. No cage comforts. But I do have a small Kenwood radio that blares M88 in the mornings. Good stuff. Always encouraging.

My inspiration to blog about commuting on two wheels comes largely from Gary Charpentier. You should check him out at in the commuter blogs section. Last year he decided to brave the Minnesota winter commuting via a 150cc scooter. He made it and is doing it again this winter. Great writer.

So my first three months commuting 40 miles a day in all weather (save snow, as Albuquerque doesn't maintain roads very well then) and at speeds occasionally exceeding 70mph, has gone well. And getting 60 to 64 mpg doesn't hurt either. Let's call it "conscious and appropriate transportation." If more single occupant four wheeled vehicles were two wheelers, Albuquerque (and the world) would be better off for it. I've even seen a few two wheeled commuters riding two up. Now that's conscious transportation.