Tuesday, October 11, 2005

11 October 2005

Okay, so it's been forever in digital time since my last post. I suppose I have to get used to the idea that a blog isn't about polished masterpieces but about getting my thoughts down in realtime. So here goes.

We got some snow in the mountains outside of Albuquerque today. That gets me hoping for the snowboarding season just around the corner. I'll just hope this is a good omen for the winter to come. Pray for snow!

Speaking of praying, I found a praying mantis in the yard before the cold snap and brought it inside to keep in a bug box for the boys. She laid an ootheca (egg mass) and I am keeping it in a container to incubate so the boys can watch the nymphs hatch and grow. I found another ootheca on a tree in our front yard and I brought that in as well. Hopefully nymphs will hatch from both and we'll have a bunch of baby praying mantises to raise within the next few weeks here. If all goes well perhaps I'll post some photos of the outcome.

Vaya con Dios!

Nos vemos.


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